Adamawa NLC says it’s fully mobilised for Monday’s total strike action

Adamawa NLC says it’s fully mobilised for Monday’s total strike action

By Umar Yusuf – Yola

Ahead of Monday’s total strike action called by the organized labour against hike in petrol price and electricity tariff, Adamawa state chapter of the Labour Congress says it has fully mobilised the private sector for a complete lockdown of all businesses.
The State Chairman of the NLC, Comrade Emmanuel Faceh told Newsmen in YOLA weekend that it is fully behind the National body of the organized Labour in the fight for the workers, right.
According to him, the trade unions in the private sector have been fully mobilised and sensitized to ensure the success of the strike.
“We in the Labour in ADAMAWA state has put our house in order to ensure that the strike is successful. And in doing this, we have MOBILISED the private sector and the local government councils to ensure that no affiliate u ion is left behind in the struggle”
“We will.not be confrontational, but we will use our labour strength to ensure that both government and the private sectors of the economy that are our affiliate take a full part in the strike action”, the labour leader stated.
Asked whether the union is unaware of the court injunction restraining the labour from the proposed strike action, Comrade Faceh stated that at the close of work on Friday, no court order was served on the Labour as to restraining it, insisting that if the National body could have been served, it should have equally communicated the local branches.
He accused the Federal government of attempting to bury the Nigerian workers alive, saying that workers are still yet to come to terms with the Covid19 pandemic and its attendant consequences only to be faced with the removal of Petroleum subsidy the increase in electricity tariff.
Comrade Emmanuel Faceh reasoned that government should have waited for a while for the poor masses of the country to get rid of the sufferings as a result of the covid19 pandemic, it went ahead to remove the subsidy on petrol and hike electricity tariff without consultations with the organized Labour.
He called on workers in the state to be peaceful during the strike.

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