10-year-old girl born without hands wins handwriting competition | US News

A 10-year-old girl who was born without hands has won a handwriting competition in the US.

Sara Hinesley, a pupil at St. John’s Regional Catholic School in Frederick, Maryland, won the Nicholas Maxim award in the Zaner-Bloser national handwriting contest.

The award is for pupils with special needs, and judges take into account “cognitive, intellectual, physical, and/or developmental disability”.

Sara arrived in the US four years ago, from her native China, after being adopted by the Hinesley family.

Although she spoke no English, she picked it up from her older sister Veronica.

Her sister also made her an artificial hand in her science class so the pair could play together.

Sara Hinesley. Pic: WJZ

Sara was adopted by a family in Maryland. Pic: WJZ

Sara writes by holding a pen or pencil between her arms, and likens writing in a cursive, joined-up style – for which she won the award – to art.

She told WJZ: “The things I can’t do, I try to figure out the ways I can do it and try my best to make it work.

“I just try my hardest and put my mind to it and this is what happens.”

Her mother Cathryn Hinesley told ABC: “Sara is very motivated and a disciplined student. She excels really at about anything she tries.”

As well as art, and watching TV, Sara likes rock climbing with her sister.

She told WJZ: “Anytime I fail, I just keep doing it with Veronica cheering me on – I can always get to the top.”

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